Thursday, April 25, 2013


I found this project rather frustrating. At first I was pretty excited to participate in writing an article for Wikipedia and actually having my name on something that the entire world would be able to see. I expected a well-written Wikipedia article from my classmates and I that would maybe become a source for other students.

With my contribution for our Wikipedia article I ran into the issues that other groups would discuss multimodality in the education community. My first draft that I wrote up for the Wikipedia article had to be completely changed due to the conflicting topics discussed in other groups. This was very frustrating for me because I had to wait till other groups chose what aspects of multimodal use in the education community before I could write my piece.

Once everyone put his or her contributions inside our Google workspace this is when the real work started. It reminded me of Hood’s article, Editing Out Obscenity. It was very hard to make sure that all contributions had the same cohesion throughout the entire article. This was difficult because everyone in the course has a different writing voice and to try to make every voice match one another was almost impossible. This assignment definitely showed me that it takes time and patience for writers to work together and come up with apiece collaboratively. 

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